Baird Williams & Greer Law provides legal counsel to ATF Agent Jay Dobyns in a $4 million lawsuit against the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in the U.S. District Court of Arizona, alleging defamation of character and the failure to protect him and his family. The lawsuit follows the release of Dobyns’ best seller, “No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey to the Inner Circle of the Hells Angels,” written with Nils Johnson-Shelton. In the book, Dobyns’ describes his undercover mission with the Hells Angels and the subsequent fall out.


As lead counsel, Baird Williams & Greer Attorney James B. Reed makes an appearance on a National Rifle Association News Special Report from Ginny Simone, weighing in on the Dobyns vs. United States case. Reed represents retired Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives agent Jay Dobyns in a contract dispute suit in which Dobyns maintains while serving as an undercover agent paid to infiltrate the Hells Angels, the ATF failed to adequately protect him and his family against threats and violence made by the gang.

Baird Williams & Greer Attorney James Reed answers questions from the media after conducting closing arguments for Dobyns verse United States.


Baird Williams & Greer filed a $10M federal lawsuit against the Department of Justice on behalf of former ATF Agent Jay Dobyns, maintaining he was betrayed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Dobyns claimed the ATF ignored death threats against him and his family, as well as tried to frame him in an effort to cover-up their own corruption. J. Ernest Baird, P.C. Attorney James B. Reed served as lead counsel on the case, which made headlines in Washington D.C. and Tucson, Ariz. for its riveting evidence and stunning testimony. ABC (KGUN9-TV) located in Tucson covered the story locally and included an interview with J. Ernest Baird, P.C. Attorney Reed. You can watch the entire story here.

Arizona Republic profiles reporter Richard Ruelas featured an article on Baird Williams & Greer partner Jim Reed in Sunday’s Republic. The article focuses on Jim’s work in the Federal Court of Claims on behalf of retired ATF Agent Jay Dobyns entitled “Jay Dobyns v. United States“. The lawsuit went seven years, resulting in a plaintiff’s verdict and the denial of the Justice Department’s counterclaims for royalties for Mr. Dobyns bestseller “No Angel: My Harrowing Undercover Journey to the Inner Circle of the Hells Angels.” The litigation law firm of Baird Williams & Greer congratulates our partner Jim Reed.

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